My husband Robert frequently points out the correlation between Apple’s age-old logo, the apple with the bite out of it, and how the first bite of apple represents the fall of man. The other day he was listening to the Catholic channel on Sirius XM and they were talking about how parents...
Kids Connect with KidsConnect Did you know that 800,000 children in the United States are reported missing every year according to the FBI? That’s one child every 40 seconds. A New Jersey entrepreneur has come up with a way to keep children safe with a new security solution called KidsConnect. The...
Here are some highlights from the first #GenZChat I hosted. I’ve never launched a chat before, so this was a brand new experience for me. I’ve always worried if I attempted a chat nobody would show up. And, practically nobody showed up, so I can be over that now. Ha! Anyway, I had a...
{I just want to make a point that it’s not just great teachers that sometimes shape your life. Sometimes it’s the absence of great teachers that shapes your life and being ignored can be just as good for a person as being lauded. — Julia Roberts The Me Generation The most recent...
Ad Age has published a great marketing study titled The New Female Consumer: The Rise of the Real Mom, which focuses on the needs and wants of Gen X mothers. Gen Y (Millennial) moms are also featured. I’ve read most of the study, and was struck by the simplicity of the needs of Gen X moms,...
I knew eventually someone would write this. I’m just glad it was an Xer, a member of the “demographic that has been making teachers’ and school administrators’ jobs a pain in the butt for more than a decade.” Check out Susan Gregory Thomas’s current article, A...
Helicopter Parents and Overparenting The cover of the latest issue of Time Magazine delivers yet another indictment on Generation X. The author Nancy Gibbs makes the case against overparenting, hyper-parenting, helicopter parenting, etc. She says for the sake of the kids it has to stop. Generation...
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
[…] […]
Hello, Jill! It's so nice to receive a message from a majorette. No doubt, it was a grand experience for…
I was the majorette at my Catholic high school (William V. Fisher Catholic) in Central Ohio. Fall 1993-97! Loving these…
Thank you so much. This post was one of the hardest I ever wrote because the trip was difficult. I…