Bridgy and Her Hoop Baton

How To Trim A Hoop Baton, etc. Check out these beautiful pictures of Bridgy twirling her hoop baton on the sideline at the McGuinness Homecoming game on September 21, 2023. The theme of the game was “gold out” so we trimmed her hoop baton with this amazing gold fringe. She found it on...

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Saint Bridget and Humble Flight From the World

St. Bridget of Sweden wrote five inward and five outward things we must have. This wise instruction was given to her by Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Until today, I had never read these words. They are so beautiful, I wanted to pass them along to you.  My Bridgy at her First Communion, 2015...

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Twirling at Dusk

It’s getting darker later and the kids are able to play outside in the front yard longer. I remember when we moved to this neighborhood back in 2001, there were hardly any kids around. Now, the neighborhood is full of kids with so many young families returning to the inner city. Still, at...

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The Astronaut and Piñata (Halloween 2017)

This was the first year in many years that I didn’t have a 35 mm digital camera on Halloween. Nikon Baby is still in the camera hospital in Los Angeles. Clearly, that fall I took at Bridgy’s spring baton twirling competition in Amarillo broke more than my pride. Anyway, here are the...

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Generation Z and the Solar Eclipse

I celebrated the Solar Eclipse of 2017 with my children today. It was wonderful to witness their fascination with the sun and moon. Here is a prayer for all three of my children, Psalm 121. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven...

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Look Who’s 10 | Trolls Birthday Party

“Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow.” (Book of James) At 4:10 p.m., on July 2, 2007, I gave birth to a baby girl. We named her Bridgette...

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