20 Skills Facing Extinction

A survey of 2,000 Britons by Ordnance Survey reveals 20 traditional skills are falling by the wayside and facing extinction. They’re just the latest casualties of technology — examples of digital disruption devaluing more than goods and services, but skills that were once considered...

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And Ma In Her Kerchief

We celebrated Christmas Eve with my mom today. Each time I visit her at her place, I take comfort in seeing all the things that are uniquely her, like this bejeweled container of crochet hooks. I’ve loved these things ever since I was a kid. Here’s the jello Mom made us for dessert. I...

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Downey, California [1971]

I am three years old and my mother has left my fatherShe’s taken me with her.I don’t rememberOur goingOur arrivingOur leavingor The day we returned to our green stucco houseReturned to my fatherI only rememberBeing there. We stay in a trailerShaped like a bean.It is tiny, my mother,...

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Christmas 2009

Thank you for stopping by to check out some of my favorite Christmas pictures. I took some 500 pictures this season, so culling it down to these few was not easy. The snow was coming down hard on Christmas Eve and we still hadn’t taken the kids to see Santa Claus. Thankfully, Santa kept his...

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