
We are so proud of our son Sullivan. Earlier this fall, he decided to tryout for Grease, this year’s school musical selection. He’s never been in a production before so it was really exciting when he landed a major supporting role. He played Kenickie Murdoch,  the “tough-looking,...

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Dear Sully,

Dear Sully, Once upon a time, there was a famous blogger named Dooce who wrote a letter to her daughter every month for the first five years of her life. Eventually, the letters were turned into a book, which made the already rich and famous blogger even more rich and famous. I thought the letter...

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Twirling at Dusk

It’s getting darker later and the kids are able to play outside in the front yard longer. I remember when we moved to this neighborhood back in 2001, there were hardly any kids around. Now, the neighborhood is full of kids with so many young families returning to the inner city. Still, at...

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Dear Son, Thirty Years From Now

Dear Son, Thirty years from now, there’s something I want you to remember. In your last game of the season, when your team was down 20 points in the 4th quarter, with less than two minutes on the board, all I could think of was how much I’ve loved to watch you play. Love,...

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Imperishable Seed

“…Fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable…” 1 Peter 1:23 “You think everything is gonna be OK, Son,” I asked. “Yes, Mommy,” he replied. “Everything is gonna be OK....

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Tonight, My Son

During church this week, Sullivan passed his Bible to me and said, “Read Psalms 56: 1-4, Mom.” I shushed him and told him to listen to the homily. When we got home, he was a live wire, as is often the case, and he decided to try to light a candle with a candle. Tell me you didn’t...

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The Astronaut and Piñata (Halloween 2017)

This was the first year in many years that I didn’t have a 35 mm digital camera on Halloween. Nikon Baby is still in the camera hospital in Los Angeles. Clearly, that fall I took at Bridgy’s spring baton twirling competition in Amarillo broke more than my pride. Anyway, here are the...

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Generation Z and the Solar Eclipse

I celebrated the Solar Eclipse of 2017 with my children today. It was wonderful to witness their fascination with the sun and moon. Here is a prayer for all three of my children, Psalm 121. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven...

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Yesterday afternoon, Jakey the budgie died. When we found him, his companion Louie was distraught. He chirped and bounced on top of him. Jumped along the perches. Clung to the sides of the cage. Searched in every corner for his friend. And, for the first time ever, he slept in his happy hut....

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How To Play Clue During An Ice Storm Power Outage

Three days equals 72 hours, unless an ice storm knocks out your power and then three days equals 234 hours and you have to play CLUE for every single one of them. Because, umm, Parcheesi was not happening and the batteries to Operation were, of course, dead. Every few years a bad ice storm rolls...

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Clay Monsters

What kids can’t do with a package of clay, some googly eyes and pipe cleaners. We have an entire parade of clay monsters here. The black fish creature is downright terrifying. I hope you had a Happy...

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