Gen-Xers Greet President Nixon, 1971

Here are some wonderful 35 mm slide images of President Richard Nixon’s 1971 visit to Walla Walla, Washington. The photos first appeared on Bygone Walla Walla. They were taken by Howard B. Ludwigs. Here is a brief excerpt from the speech he gave that day. “…I would like to tell...

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When Generation X Takes Over Politics

Quantumrun has a podcast that focuses on the trends and innovations that will shape our world over the next two decades. Their latest episode is When Generation X Takes Over Politics, which reminds me I promised to cover future Gen X presidential candidates this year, and still need to make good...

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Generation X and Government

Generation X and Government has published an article today about how Generation X is now the generation shaping government. It’s an excellent article that’s been thoroughly researched, but compressed for quick readability. Here are a few chief takeaways: Public engagement...

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The Usher: I Like Ike Button

Unsure why Eisenhower was so popular with so many? Check out an essay on Ike by Stephen Ambrose on PBS.This is the 80-something usher who greets me at church on Sunday mornings. A member of the Silent Generation, this is the button he’s been wearing for the last few weeks: I LIKE IKE.

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Generation X Politics In the Year 2012

According to a new study by Pew Research, Generation X is divided over the 2012 candidates for president. National Public Radio aired a story about it yesterday. Here is an excerpt: “…A majority of Generation Xers have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. Most are also...

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Gen X Politicians Obama and Cameron

From the pages of the The London Evening Standard  (May 25, 2011) “Even more important than this personal identification, however, has been the gradual and unexpected emergence of a generational self-consciousness. Cameron is 44, Obama five years his senior: they are the first heads of...

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Conservative Gen Xers Dubbed X-Cons

First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. They’ve published a pretty lengthy piece analyzing what...

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Gen X Congress | Alex P. Keaton Goes to Washington

The largest wave of Gen X Congressman will arrive in Washington in January. David S. Bernstein, a writer for Boston Phoenix has written an excellent piece about the historic event. Here is an excerpt: “…Indeed, many of the few Gen-X Democrats to reach Congress — just 26 next year — are...

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Current Political Races and The Joshua Generation

It’s going to be an interesting political race season. Economic woes shroud every race, and it’s open season on incumbents. What races are you closely following? Speaking of politics, have you heard the term Joshua Generation? In 2007, Barack Obama gave a speech in Selma, Alabama in...

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