The following tweets are from Professor John Pfaff’s Twitter feed. The author of Locked In, a book about the true causes of mass incarceration, recently found a 30-year old Apple computer in his parents’ attic! He turned it on and a message flashed on the screen asking him if he wanted...
According to a new study by Nielsen Generation X spends more time on social media than any other generation including Millennials. Xers spend nearly 7 hours per week on various networks versus Millennials, who come in second, at just over 6 hours per week. Moreover, it’s primarily Gen X...
Tiffany Schlain, the writer and filmmaker who created the Webby Awards is host of an AOL show called The Future Starts Here. It’s entering its second season and I’m really enjoying it. The shows are only about five to six minutes long, but they manage pack in a lot of great content....
In 2005, Alex Tew sold advertising space on his super ugly website, Million Dollar Homepage. He sold the space in the form of pixels for $1 each and he made a ton of money. Recently, he made more money selling 1,000 limited edition posters of the ugly Internet “art.”
I received an invitation from Snugg to choose a leather iPad case to review on my blog. I hate doing product reviews, but they had me at leather. So, I chose this apple green leather case that is super, super nice. The Snugg makes me not hate product reviews, probably because I really, really like...
The Potter Generation Buzzfeed picked up some work a couple of days ago by comic artist Angela of the Tumblr Dreams of Fools. It’s her tribute to growing up as a member of the “Potter Generation.” Very sweet stuff. Toyota Corolla Commercial Dances Through Five Decades From the...
Teens, Selfies and Secret Social Media Accounts Brian Solis, a sociologist, futurist, and digital analyst, has written an article about how teens use social media and why it matters. It’s a good article that addresses rampant selfies and the rise of accidental narcissism among Generation Y...
As if raising smart, fit, and disciplined children isn’t hard enough, current generations of parents must now deal with the Internet and too much screen time. Only history will fully reveal how much early access to the Internet has negatively impacted Gen Y and Generation Z. Are we raising stupid...
“I often tell my kids…who have only known the world in the Internet age, of watching the web go from nothing to everything at nearly the same pace as I watched them grown up so very fast.”–Shawn W., Generation X NOTE: I first connected with Shawn via my blog two or three...
Robert and I watched the last half of Pretty in Pink last night on TV. He’d never seen the John Hughes film about teenage angst and romance, which starred the famous Gen X brat-packers Molly Ringwold, James Spader, Andrew McCarthy and Jon Cryer. I saw the film back in 1987 with a group of...
Extra Ketchup’s photo caption: This was the computer, my first computer, that forever changed my life and set me on the path I’m on today. I think I was in 7th grade in this photo. After the VIC-20 followed the C=64, then my favorite, the C=128. When I went into the Navy I had to sell...
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
[…] […]
Hello, Jill! It's so nice to receive a message from a majorette. No doubt, it was a grand experience for…
I was the majorette at my Catholic high school (William V. Fisher Catholic) in Central Ohio. Fall 1993-97! Loving these…
Thank you so much. This post was one of the hardest I ever wrote because the trip was difficult. I…