Infographics Feature 70s, 80s, 90s More

1980s Infographic

This infographic features some of the top music moments in 1980s movies. These are definitely some iconic songs for Generation X including Eye of the Tiger, Maniac and Don’t You Forget About Me. Which one was your favorite? I think I liked Karate Kid the best.

Millennials and Brand Loyalty

I like all the color in this infographic along with the fun depictions of the Millennial Generation (Gen Y).

Gen Y Infographic

Gen Y Infographic via Dr4Ward

Porn Addiction in America

The average age a boy sees his first pornographic image is 8. I can’t believe we aren’t all freaking out about the easy access our children have to pornography. Actually, I am freaking out. Thanks to Wild Kratts and Frozen games and apps, my kids have figured out how to go to Google to search for new stuff. One more reason to get My Mobile Watchdog. What is really concerning is that kids don’t even have to go to porn sites to see porn. It routinely pops up on social networks like Pinterest and Twitter. It all makes me long for the days of my big chief tablet and fat pencils.

Personality Types of Famous People

Here’s a dandy infographic that highlights the Meyers-Briggs personality types of famous people. Here’s a quick test where you find out which type you are.

Student Lifestyles Through the Decades

Late last year, Endsleigh created this fabulous interactive infographic that highlights the evolution of the British student lifestyle from the 1970s through the 2010s. The infographic features a  number of cultural touchstones for each decade. I dig the inclusion of arcade games including Pac Man in the 1980s graphic.

The indicators also cover four generations – Baby Boomers, Generation X, Gen Y and Generation Z. Check out this nifty, quirky presentation: The Evolution of Students.

Note: The original link to this infographic has expired.

Have you seen any fun infographics around the web lately?

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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