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How To Be Free

Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters,
Chained like a slave I struggled in vain;
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.
–Haldor Lillenas (1885-1959)

Bettina Di Fiore came into my life through answered prayer and divine appointment. I was preparing for and dreaming about my sweet Bridgy’s First Communion. I had an idea in mind for her dress and needed to find a seamstress to help me. I called Helen Enox Fabric in Oklahoma City and explained to them what I wanted. They told me a woman had been in the store that very morning and left her card. She was an exquisite seamstress and specialized in sewing vintage patterns. I contacted Bettina and she made Bridgy’s First Communion Dress.

Rosary First Communion

The magical part about this story is that Bettina was a convert to Catholicism. I was considering converting at the time, and I still think about it. I have attended weekly Mass every Sunday for nearly a decade. Anyway, Bettina was a gift to Bridgy and me. I thank God for ordering our steps and for loving us so much to send us the perfect seamstress for such an important dress. By the way, Bettina is originally from Oklahoma City, but was only in town for a brief period of time before returning to the West Coast. I will always believe Bridgy was part of God’s plan in returning Bettina to Oklahoma for that short stay.

Bettina and I stay in touch on Facebook. She is a blogger and exceptional writer. She has written a fresh post about freedom through Jesus Christ. The link may generate a site warning, but I have tested the link here and it is SAFE! Please take a few minutes and read this amazing post. Here is an excerpt:

“There was a time, not so terribly long ago, that I did not believe in God, and practiced no religion. I had various reasons that seemed compelling at the time—anyway, they’re not particularly relevant

“I believed my lack of faith gave me an abundance of freedom compared to all the strictured, structured religious people around whom I grew up, with all their rules and behavioral regulations. Indeed, I believed that hedonism was categorically liberating. So I indulged my impulses; if it felt good, I did it.

“There was only one problem with my theory: it ruined my life.

“At age 30, I found myself without a respectable job, significant family ties, a meaningful romantic partnership, coping skills, or a dime to my name. What I did have was a mile-high pile of debts and bills I couldn’t pay, a string of broken-off affairs with people I never would’ve considered marrying (some of whom were already married), two pregnancies but no children, and a tendency to seek chemical solutions to my problems. I also had a massive supply of prescription painkillers and other heavy-duty meds, so, as was my habit, I turned to them to solve my biggest problem of all—that of being alive…

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